Physical event_test Lucilla

Meet the fund manager!

Roadshow with Philippe Graub

May 14, 2024
evenito AG


Dear guests,

please find below all the information required for this event

Free text

Dear guests,

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum pharetra tempor felis sollicitudin pharetra. Sed pulvinar viverra massa nec ullamcorper. Vestibulum aliquet eget magna nec faucibus. Pellentesque placerat eleifend lorem. Aliquam at ligula ut elit dapibus congue. Cras sit amet purus tellus. Integer sodales nisl a ligula blandit, sed venenatis nunc gravida. Duis orci augue, iaculis quis semper et, dignissim vel odio. Aliquam dapibus vel lectus a luctus. Quisque in arcu quis felis pellentesque vehicula et sit amet sem. Nulla at tempus nunc. Integer diam sem, tincidunt eu nibh in, volutpat scelerisque elit. Morbi neque nulla, fermentum eget tortor vel, consequat porttitor massa. Sed tincidunt, nunc eu interdum pellentesque, orci tortor elementum odio, ut consequat mauris nibh a ex. Mauris tincidunt nec diam sit amet tempor.


Quasi cupiditate deserunt voluptatibus omnis dicta fugit magnam omnis dolores necessitatibus commodi quaerat, id occaecati sequi commodi fugiat, dolores ipsum, omnis dolores possimus consequatur quia quos exercitationem sunt aut fugiat.
Commodi at quos aut sapiente tenetur, sapiente ducimus rerum omnis eos quia vitae esse unde facilis asperiores reiciendis et ullam non nihil asperiores, et occaecati non facilis numquam in neque cupiditate, aut, id reiciendis cupiditate, sequi exercitationem, fugiat neque reiciendis deserunt reiciendis ipsum, beatae, esse quae vitae ipsum sapiente deserunt.
Aliquid sapiente enim sit non voluptatibus.
Reiciendis unde voluptatibus exercitationem nulla, cupiditate vel commodi voluptatem exercitationem facilis esse est, consectetur enim dolores.


12:00 - 12:15
Employee Information

Short Check in with all employees

12:15 - 12:45
Check-In & Welcome

You can switch back and forth between the individual event days at the top of your timeline.

13:00 - 15:00
Talk 1

You can create new programme points either by clicking on the "+" in the top right-hand corner or by marking the timeline.

You can edit programme items via the pencil icon and delete them via the trash icon.

In the detail settings, you can manage the title, description, times, event type and group assignments.

The speakers must be linked to the corresponding programme items via "Contacts>Speakers" and are not manually controllable via the "Programme" function.

15:00 - 16:00

Parallel programme items are displayed under each other on the event website.

The group-specific organisation of the programme items is essential for the use of the virtual platform. The participants only receive the respective content of their group.

16:00 - 18:00
Workshop I

Parallel scheduled events will be displayed under each other on the event website.

Max Mustermann
16:00 - 18:00
Workshop II
Eva Musterfrau
18:00 - 19:00

The speakers must be linked to the relevant programme items via "Contacts>Speakers" and can no longer be manually managed via the "Programme" function.

19:00 - 19:15
VIP Aperitiv
12:00 - 15:00
Talk II
15:00 - 16:00


evenito AG

Limmatquai 122, Zürich
8001 Zürich

You can add a new location via the "+".

As soon as you enter the location name in the search field, Google will automatically make suggestions.

Always set your event location as the "main location".

Multiple locations can be displayed on the website via multiple location widgets.

In this text field you can also add a manual description to your location. This will be automatically displayed on the event website.

registrati qui


Max Mustermann

You can create a new speaker by clicking on the "+". 

For successfully saving a speaker, the first name, surname and profile picture must be stored. 

Speakers must be created again as contacts if they should receive moderator rights and/or e-mail communication. 

Eva Musterfrau

On the top right-hand side you can link all social media channels.

On the right-hand side in the middle, you can link the speakers to the programme items by using the drop-down menu. 

On the bottom right-hand side, you can upload a cover picture. This will be shown on the virtual platform as a header for the speaker.